My Story

I want to welcome you all to Yauco City Website as you can see this is still a work in progress. The idea for this website and book was conceived from my love of travel, cycling and books. As a Flight Attendant I would often travel with my fold-up bicycle and cycle around town. Over a year ago I decided to embark on writing a book that would combine my love of travel and cycling. Having traveled the world and visiting many beautiful countries and cities none rivaled my birthplace and so during the initial process of bringing this idea into fruition I immediately knew that this book would be about the most beautiful place on earth my Yauco. Over this last year I have done extensive research and saw the true depth of her history and felt like I was looking into her soul. I saw the intricacies of my past, present and future. This by far has been one of my greatest adventures and just like life its had its highs and lows. Over this past year I watched as earthquakes ravaged my land and with every shake I lost my inspiration to write knowing I would have to go back in my book and delete priceless relics of my history. It was then I realized how important it was to fill the pages of this book and invite the world learn about her past, visit her present and become part of her future.